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Galvanic Skin Response

Galvanic skin response or GSR, is a type of limited sensory output that can be used to help detect changes in a participant?s emotional state, as an interface method for a virtual environment. The galvanic skin response is essentially a change in the electrical resistance of the person?s skin that occurs a few milliseconds after the person has experienced an emotional state change, mentally. Currently, no method exists to determine which emotional state is now in charge.

GSR is also known as electrodermal response, psychogalvanic reflex and skin conductance response.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Galvanic Skin Response:


Electrodermal Response

Galvanic Skin Response



Psychogalvanic Reflex


Skin Conductance Response


Resources in our database matching the Term Galvanic Skin Response:

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Locally Hosted resource
Adding Haptics to a Second Skin
Researchers have prototyped an electrotactile second skin to be worn over the first, which adds additional pressure sensation to the user's own sensory capabilities – it makes the natural skin much more sensitive to touch.

Locally Hosted resource
Second Skin, an Overview
Second Skin was a 2007 documentary about virtual worlds and their impact on people's lives. It is a documentary that could not be more polarising if it tried, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest they did exactly that.

Locally Hosted resource
Looking Inside a Patient's Living Skin
A look at a new means of low-cost, high effectiveness under-skin imager, designed for use in the doctor's office and in the field, that offers a low-cost, high-precision alternative to CT.

Locally Hosted resource
Stretchable Tactile Sensors
Wouldn't it be marvellous if artificial pressure sensors could bend and flex like their organic counterparts? If synthetic skin could knead and twist like normal skin, but remain just as keen of sense? We are not there yet, but the first prototypes that can behave naturally under strain, are already here.

Locally Hosted resource
Prosthetic Monitors - and May Control - Blood Sugar Levels Without Breaking the Skin
German researchers have created an inexpensive to manufacture, tiny biosensor not much larger than a splinter. It is designed to pierce the skin and sit under the outer layers, monitoring swet and tears for glucose levels, and reporting back its findings, continuously.

Locally Hosted resource
Balance in the Blood not just the Ear
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. For those of us familiar with it, it's a possible panacea to cure simulation sickness, and rope the sense of balance of the user directly into the simulation. Unfortunately, it seems there is a fly in the mixture.

Locally Hosted resource
Remote-Controlled Humans
Industry News

Industry news from August 2005, featuring the debut of 'galvanic vestibular stimulation' or GVS. GVS is a means of controlling the input sent to the body's balance centres via a pair of devices behind the ears. Capable of tilting your balance to make you think you are moving in any direction at any time, GVS offers many hopes for cheap, mass-market movement simulation.

Linked resource
The Silent Majority
A potent look at closed captioning systems in VR and in gameworlds, including the staggering capabilities possible, the incredible customer response when it does occur, and asks why more developers aren't considering sensory substitution in designing their worlds?


Industry News containing the Term Galvanic Skin Response:

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The first inklings of an expert system that is capable of monitoring a child?s emotional state have been developed by researchers working at Vanderbilt University. The prototypes are being integrated into robotic systems, that can be put in...

A new implantation method for BMI electrodes is being patented.

Getting electrodes to stay in place for long periods is a particular problem, says Mingui Sun, who with colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh has an answer ...

As part of the 2010 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, two teams of researchers led by Professor Barbara Layne of Concordia University, Montreal, and Professor Janis Jefferies at Goldsmiths, University of London, U.K., have bro...

Don't be surprised if one day your refrigerator nags you to lose weight, your phone blocks calls it figures you're too stressed to handle, and your wisecracking car entertains you with pun-filled one liners.

Within a decade...

You know how your fingers wrinkle up in the bath? The outer layer of your skin absorbs water and swells up, forming ridges – but quickly returns to its old state when dry. Two physicists, Professor Roland Roth of Tübingen University and Dr....